your commitment to the church is in danger

As a pastor, one of the most rewarding parts of ministry is watching people come alive in their faith and grow in their commitment to Jesus and His church. Every year, I see stories of transformation—people stepping into their God-given calling, families finding hope, and lives being changed. But every year, I also see something that breaks my heart: people who once burned bright with passion for God grow cold and distant. They stop showing up, disengage, and drift away from the church.

And I get it. Life gets busy, priorities shift, or someone gets hurt along the way. I’ve seen so many different reasons and stories that cause people to back away from the church. But here’s what I’ve also seen to be true: the devil wants nothing more than to destroy your commitment to the church! If the church truly is supposed to be the hope of the world, then he will do whatever it takes to attack your commitment. I think it’s important to understand that your commitment to the church is in danger, in every season. You have to be on guard against it! You have to fight to keep the fire of your passion burning bright for the bride of Christ!

I hate seeing it happen: a once-vibrant faith grows stale, and the person misses out on all that God wants to do in and through them. It’s heartbreaking to watch because I know what’s at stake—not just for the individual, but for the church as a whole.

The church that Jesus died and resurrected to start is the greatest force for good in the world. It’s the place where the gospel is proclaimed, lives are healed, and the broken find hope. But the church is only as strong as the people who commit to it. When you stay connected and engaged, not only does the church thrive, but your life becomes richer, fuller, and more aligned with God’s purpose.

That’s the heart behind this next series of blog posts that will be coming out over the next few weeks. My prayer is that these words will inspire your faith and fuel your commitment to the great work God is calling us to at Peak City. I believe that when we stay faithful to the church, we play a role in something far bigger than ourselves. We help build God’s kingdom, impact lives, and grow closer to Him in the process.

So, as you read these posts, let them remind you of the beauty, the purpose, and the mission of the church. Let them reignite your passion for God and His people. And most of all, let them challenge you to stay committed to the church that Jesus gave His life to establish. Together, we can do incredible things for His glory—and I’m excited to see what He will do through us as we stay faithful. God is doing a mighty work through us. Now isn’t the time to back down!



If You Don’t Stay Committed to the Church... Who Will Reach the Lost?


stepping into new ground