If You Don’t Stay Committed to the Church... Who Will Reach the Lost?

No organization in the world carries the same mission as the church: helping people discover Jesus and follow Him fearlessly. The church is God’s Plan A for reaching the lost—and there is no Plan B. Without your commitment, the mission to reach the lost loses one of its most essential pieces: you.

God designed the church as a body, where every part plays a role in carrying out His mission. According to research by Barna, 73% of non-Christians say they would be open to spiritual conversations if approached by someone they trusted. That someone could be you. When you stay connected to the church, you become a critical part of the mission. Your presence helps the church be a welcoming space where others can encounter Jesus and experience His love through genuine relationships and powerful experiences.

The local church is also the most effective tool for evangelism. Lifeway Research found that 6 out of 10 people who attend church say they first came because someone personally invited them. Your involvement helps create an inviting, welcoming, and Christ-centered environment that draws people closer to God. Without you, the church can’t be at its best. Together, when everyone contributes their time, energy, and gifts, the church becomes a powerful force for change in the world.

When we have the moment of decision at the end of our services every weekend, and we see people raise their hand and say Yes to Jesus for the first time, all of Heaven celebrates and eternity is changed for someone that Jesus died for. But that beautiful moment is not just something that one person on a stage with a microphone facilitates. It is the moment that every member of our church has prayed, influenced, invited, sacrificed, and worked together to see happen! It’s the moment that we’ve all been working together to see happen! Your prayers, your encouragement, and your investment in others all contribute to the church’s ability to fulfill its mission. And as the church continues to share the gospel, it brings light to a world in desperate need of hope.

If you don’t stay committed to the church, who will reach the lost? Don’t let discouragement or frustration cause you to miss out on the eternal work God is doing through His people. Instead, lean in. Show up. Contribute. Because together, we carry the greatest message the world has ever known—and we’re the only ones who can share it.



If You Don’t Stay Committed to the Church... The Gospel Loses Its Voice


your commitment to the church is in danger