Truth AND Dare – Trusting God with Your Finances

The Game We’ve All Played

You’ve probably played the classic game Truth or Dare at some point in your life.

Truth is always the “safe” choice. It might get uncomfortable, but it doesn’t require action. Dares, on the other hand? That’s where things get risky. A dare forces you out of your comfort zone and into the unknown.

What I’ve learned about following Jesus is that He doesn’t just play Truth OR Dare—He plays Truth AND Dare.

God always gives us truth—even when it’s hard to hear. And He always dares us to step out in faith—especially in areas we’d rather avoid.

And there’s one area where this plays out in a massive way: our finances.

The Hard Truth: Are We Robbing God?

In Malachi 3, God speaks through the prophet Malachi to a people who had grown complacent. They were still “going through the motions” of religion, but their hearts were distant from God. And in response, God hits them with a brutal truth:

“I the Lord do not change… Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.

“But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’

“Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me.”

“But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’

“In tithes and offerings.” (Malachi 3:6-8)


If we were writing the script, we’d expect God to say something different—maybe something about prayer or morality. But God goes straight for how they handle their resources.

Why? Because giving isn’t about money—it’s about trust.

God had rescued them, blessed them, and provided for them. But instead of responding with generosity, they were giving Him their leftovers.

And when we do the same thing—when we hold back from giving God our first and best—we’re not just “managing our money wisely.” We’re robbing Him of what He deserves.

That’s the truth. And it’s not an easy one to hear.

The Wild Dare: Test Me in This

But God doesn’t just hit them with truth—He gives them a dare.

And this is where things get crazy, because God never tells us to test Him—except in this one area.

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” (Malachi 3:10)

God is daring His people: “Try it and see what happens.”

He’s saying, “If you trust me with your finances, I will blow your mind with my faithfulness.”

And if we’re honest, that’s a dare that scares us.

We like to test God in other ways.

• “God, if you’re real, show me a sign.”

• “God, if you want me to do this, make it obvious.”

• “God, if you really love me, fix this situation.”

But when it comes to our money—the one area God specifically tells us to test Him—we hesitate.

Why? Because money is our security. It’s our safety net. And trusting God with it requires real faith.

The Guarantee That Actually Holds Up

You ever see those companies that offer lifetime guarantees?

At one point, L.L. Bean had a policy where you could return anything at any time for any reason. People started abusing it, and in 2018, they had to change their policy because they couldn’t keep up with their own guarantee.

But here’s the difference: God has never had to walk back His promise.

He has never failed to provide for those who trust Him. He has never let anyone down who has stepped out in faith.

And for the past 20 years, I can personally say—I’m a satisfied customer.

• God has taught me how to manage money wisely—because tithing forces you to budget with intention.

• God has helped me avoid debt traps—because prioritizing generosity makes you rethink unnecessary spending.

• God has given me peace in every financial season—because I’ve seen Him show up in ways I never expected.

• God has blessed my family in ways I never imagined—because giving to Him has positioned us to experience His faithfulness.

And I’m not alone.

I’ve seen countless people in our church step out in faith and experience God’s provision, His faithfulness, and His blessing in ways they never thought possible.

Not one person has ever regretted trusting God in this way.

Your Move: Take the Dare

So here’s my challenge to you: Take the dare.

Trust God with your first and best.

Not when it’s easy. Not when you “feel led.” Not when you finally make enough money to be comfortable.

Do it now.

Test Him. See if He doesn’t provide. See if He doesn’t come through. See if He doesn’t bless you in ways that go beyond finances—with peace, with freedom, and with the joy of knowing your trust is in Him.

Because here’s what I know:

The provision you’ve been praying for is waiting on the obedience you’ve been avoiding.

And more than anything, I want you to experience the floodgates of God’s blessing—not just in your bank account, but in your faith, your relationships, your purpose, and your impact.

One Last Thought: The Ultimate Example of Giving

Jesus didn’t just talk about giving first and best. He lived it.

He didn’t tithe part of His life—He gave it all.

• He gave His body on the cross.

• He gave His blood as a sacrifice.

• He gave His everything so that we could have eternal life.

And because He gave His first and best for us, we can trust Him when He asks us to do the same.

So if you’ve never trusted Jesus with your life—this is your moment.

More than anything, He wants your heart. And today, you can say “yes” to Him.

If He was willing to give everything for you—will you trust Him with what you have?

Let’s take the dare together.

Next Steps:

• Pray – Ask God to help you step out in faith and trust Him with your finances.

• Plan – Look at your budget and decide to put God first in your giving.

• Take action – Start tithing and watch how God moves in your life.

At Peak City, we believe in a fully resourced, fully trusting church—one that believes God is who He says He is and steps out in faith.

Let’s not just hear the truth—let’s take the dare.


The Unstoppable Church: How Generosity and Mercy Unlock God’s Full Potential


The King You Choose – How Your Giving Reveals Your Heart