The Sum of Your Some – Why Giving God Your First and Best Matters

Have You Ever Settled for “Some” Instead of Your Best?

We’ve all done it. We start something with passion and excitement—maybe a workout routine, a new job, a relationship, or a commitment to personal growth. But over time, our enthusiasm fades. We don’t put in the same effort we did at the start. We settle for doing just some of what we originally intended.

The same thing happens in our spiritual lives.

At some point, every follower of Jesus has to make a shift. A shift from doing things for God because we feel inspired—to doing things for God because He deserves our first and best.

And that’s where the story of Cain and Abel speaks directly to us.

Cain and Abel – A Tale of Two Offerings

In Genesis 4, we meet the first two brothers in human history—Cain and Abel.

“Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time, Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock.” (Genesis 4:2-4)

At first glance, both Cain and Abel brought offerings to God. But their approaches were vastly different.

• Abel brought his first and best—the fat portions from the firstborn of his flock.

• Cain brought some of his crops—just a portion, not necessarily his best.

And how did God respond?

“The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.” (Genesis 4:4-5)

God didn’t reject Cain’s offering entirely, but He didn’t look on it with favor either. And Cain didn’t take that well. Instead of correcting his heart, he let sin consume him—and ultimately, he killed his brother.

This story isn’t just about Cain and Abel. It’s about us.

The Sum of Your Some

Too often, we settle for giving God some instead of our first and best.

• We give God some of our time, but only when we’re not too busy.

• We give God some of our energy, but not our best focus or attention.

• We give God some of our finances, but only when it feels comfortable.

And just like Cain, we can fall into the trap of being frustrated when we don’t feel God’s blessing in our lives. But the truth is, God isn’t looking for our leftovers—He’s looking for our first and our best.

Giving God our first and best is about trusting Him, honoring Him, and recognizing that everything we have is already from Him.

Why This Matters More Than You Think

God’s response to Cain is powerful:

“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” (Genesis 4:7)

God was warning Cain—if you hold back from giving your best, it won’t just affect your offering. It will affect your heart.

The same is true for us.

When we hold back from God, it creates cracks in our spiritual foundation. Over time, those cracks turn into bigger compromises. What starts as some instead of first can lead to a heart that drifts further and further from trusting God.

But when we choose to give God our first and our best, we position ourselves for His favor. It doesn’t mean life will be perfect, but it means our hearts will be in the right place—and we will experience the blessing of walking in obedience.

Your Invitation: Flip the Script

What would change in your life if you shifted from giving God some to giving Him your first and best?

What if you stopped waiting for inspiration and just decided to trust Him?

At Peak City, we believe that when a church full of people chooses to give God their first and best—in their time, their talents, and their resources—there’s no limit to what God can do.

The sum of your some will never be enough. But when you give God your first and your best, He multiplies it in ways you can’t even imagine.

Let’s be a people who give God our first and our best—because He deserves nothing less.

Take Your Next Step

• Pray – Ask God to reveal where you’ve been giving Him “some” instead of your best.

• Prioritize – What’s one area where you can shift to giving God your first and best?

• Trust – Take one step of faith this week and watch how God moves in your life.

Let’s be a church that doesn’t settle for some—let’s give God our best!


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